
Professional mountain guide with the license A
Bozinoski Jovan
Born: 13.05.1979
Occupation: Veterinary School Student
Languages: English and basic France

Professional mountain guide with the license A
Grncarovski Dimce
Born: 18.07.1966
Occupation: Math teacher
Languages: English

Professional mountain guide with the license A
Gjorgjevski Vladimir
Born: 16.06.1981
Occupation: History teacher
Languages: English

Professional mountain guide with the license A
Ilievski Dragan
Born: 16.02.1979
Occupation: Graduated Geodic Engineer
Languages: English and basic France

Professional mountain guide with the license A
Isaki Arben
Born: 23.05.1978
Occupation:  Clerk
Languages: English and Albanian

Professional mountain guide with the license A
Isaki Fatmire
Born: 31.07.1982
Occupation:  English teacher
Languages: English and Albanian

Professional mountain guide with the license A
Jancevska Marina
Born:  27.07.1983
Occupation:  Ecology Student
Languages: Englis, basic France and basic Spanish

Professional mountain guide with the license A
Jovanovska Aleksandra
Born:  25.03.1978
Occupation:  Macedonian language teacher
Languages: English, basic Albanian and basic Italian

Professional mountain guide with the license A and B
Lazami Jusuf
Born:  06.09.1966
Occupation: Информатичар
Languages: English, Albanian, Hungarian, Italian, German, Iranian

Professional mountain guide with the license A and B
Ristoski Miroslav
Born:  12.04.1984
Occupation:  Macedonian language student
Languages: English

Professional mountain guide with the license A
Simjanovski Borce
Born: 05.05.1979
Occupation:  Medicine School Student
Languages: English

Professional mountain guide with the license A
Trpcevska Klimentina
Born:  08.12.1969
Occupation:  Chemistry teacher
Languages: English, basic France and Albanian